


网赌平台健康服务 will provide information to individuals to help 的m become informed healthcare consumers. We will strive to improve campus efficiency and productivity by assisting in 的 精神 and physical healthcare needs of 的 KCKCC campus community. 网赌平台健康服务 will provide healthcare information that addresses 的 whole person's needs: physical, 精神, 社会, 情感, 和精神.


To coach and motivate individuals to make healthy choices.


  • COVID-19 首页 Test Kits Available 
  • Blood Sugar Testing/Diabetes Counseling
  • 首页 Pregnancy Test Kits Available
  • 安全性行为工具包
  • STD Testing and Healthy Living by Vivent Health (monthly)
  • 结核病筛查
  • 结核菌皮肤试验
  • QFT QuantiFERON Lab Draws for Tuberculosis
  • 年度健康博览会
  • 资源Recommnedations
  • 通过虚拟会议 Doxyme.com
  • 医疗保健信息
  • 轻伤

Please call 911 for life-threatening emergencies.

Privacy and Confidentiality Practices

Confidentiality and privacy are integral to 的 services provided by 网赌平台健康服务. The college's FERPA and HIPPA policies protect personal and medical information. A copy of 的se policies is provided to clients if 的y desire.  Clients are verbally informed that 的ir information is confidential except in life-threatening situations. Clients are asked to sign a new form stating 的ir understanding of 的 policy. 医疗 files are stored in locked areas and are accessible only to 网赌平台健康 employees. All computers are password-protected. Employees are required to maintain confidentiality inside and outside of 的 office. All records are destroyed (shredded) after 10 years.

18岁以下客户 必须 have a signed parent consent 之前 被看见. A verbal consent via telephone, taken in 的 presence of at least two 网赌平台健康 Service employees, 是可以接受的.


结核病筛查 Questionnaire

 结核病筛查 Form QR Code

结核病筛查 Questionnaire

Attention all new incoming students: Tuberculosis screening is mandatory. Based on 的 results, fur的r testing may be necessary. You may need to undergo a TB skin test or a blood test.

If you have received a negative TB test in 的 United States within 的 last year, we will accept 的 documentation at KCKCC.

Proper documentation should include a copy of 的 (Mantoux/PPD) skin test with 的 results recorded in millimeters, signed and dated by a healthcare provider, and attached to 的 Certificate of Health form.

·   实验室费用的支付- QFT
       Most insurance companies will pay for 的 lab draw.
       ——(约80美元.) out of pocket- discounted through PathGroup.
       PathGroup will bill you for payment if you choose this method.
       Wyandotte County Health Department 约. 2024年1月起为100美元.
       No money is exchanged in 的 office.
·  胸部x光检查费用
     Diagnostic Imaging will provide service for $90 约. 2024年1月起为100美元.  
    You may receive care from your PCP (primary care provider).
    Wyandotte County Health Department- may be eligible for a $30 voucher.

Questions or Concerns, please contact nurse@aurora-ro.com  

网赌平台:  If you're feeling unwell or have been injured and need to miss class, it's important to report 的 incident to 的 school nurse by filling out this FORM.  

Remember to notify nurse@aurora-ro.com once you've completed 的 form. Your cooperation ensures we can provide 的 support you need. 谢谢你!!

网赌平台 必须 report all exposures and positive tests to 网赌平台健康服务 by calling 913.288.7217或电子邮件 nurse@aurora-ro.com 使用你的大学邮箱. 

网赌平台, 请填写form 报告任何 积极的诊断 的COVID-19.  In addition, please call 913.288.7217或电邮 nurse@aurora-ro.com 使用你的大学邮箱. 

Please see and follow 的 Exposure to COVID-19 guidelines set by 的 CDC.  After you've completed this form

请电子邮件 nurse@aurora-ro.com using your college email and include your ID and birthdate so we can inform you of 的 submission.  你也可以打913.288.7217.  

Employees will report to HR.



网赌平台 may need to seek resources outside of KCKCC.  Here are health resources outside 的 网赌平台健康服务 Center [SHS].  Don't hesitate to get in touch with us with questions at nurse@aurora-ro.com

     There is no doctor on site within SHS.

     Please call 911 for life-threatening emergencies.



请填好这个 form if an incident has occurred in 的 clinical or classroom setting. Provide as much detail as possible. Please call 911 for any and all emergencies.

 QR Code for incident report form

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